A Jug of Sunshine

What a to-do there's been this weekend. Shock... horror... we've had snow! In February (like that's never happened before)!

And yes, it has been fairly chilly out there all right but here in our flat we've been basking in a blast of sunshine. A lovely blue jug of sunny daffodils, the happiest flowers in the world. And that's the WHOLE world... fact.*

How can you fail to look at these beauties and not feel cheered? Impossible. Which is why I share them with you. I bought two bunches on Thursday evening when I popped into the supermarket and then they were totally closed. Next morning a couple of yellow buds began to unravel and by this evening most are open and smiling at me letting me know warmer weather is not so very far away.

So, forget about the snow and slush-soon-to-be-neck-breaking-ice outside. Have a jug of sunshine.

To access a downloadable pdf of the drawing click here: A Jug of Sunshine

Cheers. *

Well I believe that and that's good enough for me.  


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